
Hey all me fans, :) Sorry for being out of the loop for a while. I've been living the life! Anyway just wanted to say hi and update you that, I'm moving blogs! I'm building my very own so that it'll be awesomer! so stay tuned and watch this space. BTW, the other blog will be more interactive and personal. So that when I do become a star, the conspiracies that will be brought up will come directly from me. He he. so stay tuned peeps.

Weekend Fun

Hey guys, long time! :) Been busy starting an IT company with my awesome pals have a lot of projects of which I would be willing to share with all of you in due time. Tonight before I hit the sack, I decided its time I do a bit of blogging with this ol' rig of mine before it goes offline for a couple of days.

My Machine
 I own a Dell D620 its really old and as you can see from those highly descriptive images its an old bugger! Well it wasn't my cup of tea, but I think it was the best thing that my dad has ever done for me by giving it to me as a hand me down. :) . Its as old as when XP first came out, I got it at around June 2012 and it had a dual boot of Windows XP and Ubuntu Studio. The first thing I did was upgrade it to Windows 8. Yes, you heard that right, that hunk o junk can handle that shit. My modded rig has an upgraded ram of 3GB, 320GB HDD and lots of duck tape by my TLC.

Well Anyway, this weekend am doing a full upgraded to 8.1!! Yes, yes its not out yet, but I can handle the RTM version thats been leaked out. and I do have a key. ;)

And am going to be upgrading everything!!! Software-wise that is. Here are a couple of softwares you expect on my rig.

  1. Office 13 Pro Plus Full Activation
  2. Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 Beta
  3. Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) + Java 5update40
  4. Brackets Sprint 30 and Sublime 3.0 Beta
  5. Adobe CC and a bit of CS6 Master Collection
  6. Eset or Norton AV
  7. uTorrent
  8. Android Studio + Updated Android Tools(4.3) + Phonegap and Cordova
  9. Filezilla
  10. Vmplayer IBM DB2 + Cent OS 6 
  11. Daemon tools
  12. VLC v2.0.9 + ITunes
  13. Plex Media Server + Servio (for my DLNA Needs)
  14. R-Studio
  15. IDM + Chrome(adblock + tampermonkey + pocket) + Firefox
  16. Dropbox + Google Drive
  17. DomDomSoft Manga + Anime Downloader + CDisplay
  18. Picasa Photo Viewer( The best viewer out there hands down)
  19. Skype
  20. Unity 3D 4.x

PS I'll be dual booting with Linux. Not sure which one yet maybe you can help me out. :( am checking distrowatch

Now you might be wondering why I posted such a long post and encouraging *ahem* P*r*cy. Well first of am not encouraging it, I just can't afford it yet. And the way things are going, I will have to afford it and will buy it - together with an ASUS ROG Laptop to go with those stuff.
This post is mainly for if you wanna know what kinda software I run on top of my hardware as everyday software, a kind of guiding light. :-) Well anyway gotta go, and start the long backup! especially those 'micro-files' in the Android SDK that will take the whole night. But I got work arounds! by Sunday Morning, I'll be having everything!
Computer Name (Avalon)
HDD - 320GB
Windows Partition - 100Gb by 1.024 (bits n bytes) aka KorraOS(Dedz to Legend of Korra)
Linux Partition       - 20GB   by 1.024 (bits n bytes) aka AxleOS
Data Partition        - The Rest                                  aka Junk       (Cuz it really is Junk)

PPS: My New Nexus 7 is coming Next week and am proud to say its fully paid! So I'll be doing an unboxing and also putting a custom rom in it... Maybe Paranoid Android... (Love those guys) anyway, this is Windows 8 so al stick to that

進撃の巨人 - Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on Titan)

Tsup peeps? This time round I am going to delve a bit into one of my few passions. Anime. :) This time round there is this underdog taking it on with the big boys in terms of popularity. In some ranking its rated as one of the top 10 Anime loved by all ranking against Bleach, Naruto, HOTD just to name a few. Now this post is not meant to be a review. :-p sorry (I'd be boring). Just use your awesome googling skills to find out about it and if you want to download, sure. Here you go! But before that enjoy a bit of fan art, concept art of the world of Shingeki! Have fun getting your mind blown! .Hopefully I haven't over-hyped it.

Download folder
I pledge that I will blow your mind!
The characters taking mugshots after being charged with the crime of awesomeness!

D@ look of determination when your taking a dump. Or in most action movies.

Mikasa! \o/

D@ Ass!

3D Maneuvering vs Titans

The live action...coming soon(not really) :(

Shit Happens....

Been browsing through a couple of blogs, then I saw this wololo! :-D. Shoot me now!

Sometimes when shit happens, you want to be able to articulate the experience more than just you've, taken a shit. Here are some shit definitions to help you explain the situation better to your friends and family…

1. Ghost Shit
You know you've shit. There’s shit on the toilet paper, but no shit in the bowl.

2. Teflon Coated Shit
Comes out so slick, clean and easy that you don’t feel it. No traces of shit on the toilet paper, you have to look in the bowl to be sure you did it!

3. Gooey Shit
This has the consistency of hot tar. You wipe your ass 12 times and it still doesn't come clean. You end up putting toilet paper in your underwear so you don’t stain it. This shit leaves permanent skid marks in the toilet.

4. Second Thought Shit
You’re all done wiping your ass and you’re about to stand up when you realize it…..you've got some more.

5. Pop a Vein in Your Forehead Shit
This kind is the kind of shit that killed Elvis.
It doesn't come until you’re all sweaty, trembling and purple from straining so hard.

6. Bali Belly Shit
You shit so much you lose 5 kilos.

7.Right Now Shit
You better be within 10 seconds of a toilet. Usually it has its head out before you get your pants down.

8. King Kong or Commode Choker Shit
This shit is so big that you know it won’t go down the toilet unless you break it into smaller chunks. A coat hanger works well. This kind of shit usually happens at someone else’s house.

9. Wet Cheeks Shit
This shit hits the water sideways and makes a BIG splash that gets your ass wet.

10. Wish Shit
You sit there all cramped up and fart a few times, but no shit!

11. Cement Block or Oh God Shit
You wish you’d gotten a spinal block before you shit.

12. Snake Shit
This shit is fairly soft
and about as big around as your thumb and at least three feet long.

13. Cork Shit (Also Known as Floater Shit)
Even after the third flush, it’s still floating in there. My god! How do I get rid of it? This shit usually happens at someone else’s house.

14. Mexican Food Shit (also called Screamers)
You’ll know it’s alright to eat again when your asshole stops burning.

15. Beer Drunk Shit
This happens the day after the night before. Normally your shit doesn’t smell too bad, but this shit is BAD. Usually there’s somebody standing outside to use the bathroom. This kind of shit also usually happens at someone else’s house.

16. The Frightened Turtle
The kind of shit that just pokes its head out then quickly goes back in

17. The Bungee Shit
The kind of shit that just hangs off your ass before it falls into the water.

18. The Ring of Fire Shit
The kind of shit where you eat really spicy food and your ass-hole feels like the inside of a cigarette lighter.

19. The Crippler
The kind of shit where you have to sit on the toilet so long your legs go numb from the waist down.

20. The Big Bobber
The kind of shit that no matter how many times you flush it always floats back to the surface.

21. The Shitty Shitty Bang Bang
The kind of shit that hits you when you’re trapped in your car in a traffic jam.

22. The Incredible Hulk Shit
The king of shit that sits in the toilet overnight and mysteriously expands to twice it’s normal size.

23. The Jack the Ripper Shit
The kind of shit that yanks out the hair of your ass as it pushes its way out.

24. The Party Pooper
The giant shit you take at a party. And when you flush the toilet, you watch in horror as the water starts to rise.

25. The Toxic Gas Shit
The kind of shit that makes you pass out and fall of the toilet before you finish, and then you wake up in some strange South American town.

26. Dirty Bowl Shit
The kind of shit that comes out in a million pieces a second, reminiscent of an avalanche – but with rocket propulsion, and splatters all over the toilet bowl.

27. The Windy City Shit
When you sit down, and fart for so long and hard that you no longer need to take a shit.

28. Oh Shit! Shit
You shit so much and wipe your ass so furiously you run out of toilet paper and you say OH SHIT!

29. The Never Ending Shit
It’s the shit that keeps running out of your ass like pee, and just when you start wiping your ass your stomach gargles and splash, more shit runs out. This always happens after eating at Kentucky Fried Chicken.

30. Ouch That Hurt Shit
The type of shit that leaves you feeling like you just hoped onto a bicycle without a seat. Sensation usually lasts hours.

Windows 8 - Part 1

I Love Windows 8!

That's it :). Its fast, fluid and super cool! Even with the negative reviews towards it, I still feel it was a good change of pace. I have been interacting with Windows ever since the dos era (Am a 90s kid though) then I went ahead to windows 98, NT(Loved it), 2000, then XP/2003 Srv and finally Vista came up. I remember pirating my dad's AIO disk then installing it on every machine I could get my hands on. This is where I started upping my skills and becoming a tech guru (thanks Google). Sadly It was a huge flop! Then Windows 8 came and I was amazed. At that time I didn't have a comp of my own so I just installed it and saw the kiddish faces guys would have as they interacted with it. Time flew I joined uni then I got a hand-me-down comp that had windows XP!! I jumped straight to Windows 8.People said that it could not handle, but we proved them wrong.
Anyway, that's the analogy, for now, I will just give you tips on how to install Windows 8 on your machine and how to activate, hactivate and pirate-activate it. I do not advocate it (mine is original :-p ) but we live in a 3rd world country and frankly speaking we are hasoras. Later on I will expound in detail on all things 8. I am giving tips since I recognize the fact that most people find it difficult to make the big move or they do make the big move, do it the wrong way and end up killing their machines. Which is just sad. So worry not Superman is here!

So what am telling you are working solutions, not that I invented them or anything. So let me just thank our fellow human beings who came up with this solutions. Arigatou gozaimesu! I will not mention names or hot link them. This is a kind of disclaimer. I go ahead to say that, the software supplied here is not hosted by me or am I in any way affiliated with them. Knowledge is good. Its how people implement it that is wrong.
And I hereby invoke my Freedom of Knowledge and the right to share it. :)

There are three kinds of ways to activate your windows. I assume that you have already installed Windows 8 Pro on your machine.

1. Pirate Activator
This method is brutal. It changes stuff in the registry and windows/system32 directory. But its the simplest. You just extract the files in the folder given in the link and start with the first one. Make sure to right-click and run as admin. After it has restarted do the same with the fix and run it as admin. Done! Voila. Your 8 is now fully activated. Note however that if by some chance you choose to run any kind of Windows update, your copy of windows might be identified as not genuine. But if you play it smart, your good to go. :)

2. KMS Nano
Its simple but slow. Extract this file, right click and run as admin. Afterwards, go to your, task manager and observe two services called KMS Nano. It will take around 20-30 minutes the one of them will disappear, then restart your machine. What it does is, it creates a virtual activation server on your machine then lies to your lovely windows that its the real deal. Afterwards, Windows thinks that its the one and opens up to the kms server who is a total player. Once windows has been rid of its innocence, the kms server disappears without a trace, leaving windows with a broken hactivated heart. :-p . Now this is a good one and so far doesn't bring issues. So far...

3. Permanent Activation.
Now this is the real deal. Its annoying, slow and so brain numbing but afterwards its the best thing that ever happened to you. The instructions are too long so I will summarize, but there is a full tutorial in this folder
What happens is that there are two methods of activating windows, internet activation, where your machine communicates with the original kms server at Microsoft but windows have been kind enough to provide an alternative method for those who do not have a stable internet connection.
The requirements for this method are, an internet connection, skype, and your brain.
You have to be really alert and careful. The keys are usually blacklisted from time to time, but this is the internet, there is always a disgruntled Microsoft Employee willing to go with the Ubuntu philosophy.
You just have to look in the right places, or drop a comment below, I would be much obliged to assist.

And that is the end of part 1. :)

Dad Tweets!!!!

After finally deciding to reduce my number of followers/following by one(not that they are a lot), turns put my dad tweets too! and he's a follower of mine. Now I have to reconsider all the stupid things I have tweeted and wonder if he ever read them. If he did, well my dad's just awesome to mind his own business and let me do my own shabang even after the Julie Gichuru incident(btw my apologies). Sadly, he only has like two followers and one following, so I cannot unfollow him. He shall stay. :-)
Lot's of respect to my pops.

The Icarus Project

I sometimes look at myself in the mirror and I cant help but considered myself the modern day interpretation of Icarus.
 One who flew too close too the sun without heeding the warnings he was presented. Flying higher n higher up until he burnt off his wings.

And for a moment I got to admire the glory of the sun at its brightest... Without a single care of the consequences. And without as much as feeling of regret, I am falling from the graces of the sky, from Helios, the sun god's domain. Falling beyond my station into the depths of the abyss.

My wings are clipped and I have but one regret. I could not fly any higher....


Been working on a project for school. The road was long and dreary.. the trials n errors I had to go to, to reach this point.. only few lucky bastards know. The term 'msoto' (broke) and 'despa' (desperate) come to mind. I just hope the little footprint I've just made in this world will echo throughout as the trials I had to go through.
This is my first game... free everything and some cracked or tweaked complements to Open Source code out there. Am not saying that its great or epic... All I'm saying is that this is just the begining to what I hope will be something more.. check out the game ... Its a port of the old shooter 1945 as taught by Allan Zhou(sshhh dont tell 'em TA's) I made a few tweaks myself like the background...(obvious!!!) the difficulty is medium but I'll create a tweak that will make attacks come in waves with increased difficulty. If there is anything... and I mean ANYTHING that you would like to say... please feel free to say so below at the comments section. :) adieus n goodnight.

1945 Game Port - IS School Project : Link

Top Gear - Season 19!


Its back!!! Hopefully bigger n better.... A few teasers I picked up while crawling the internet. Follow this post for more updates and episodes...

Episode 1: Link

Dibbs on DMC!


You don't see epic things everyday... Just finished downloading this and its awesome for a first impression. Check it out.... :)

Will you be my valentine?

February is coming! I believe myself a hopeless romantic... at least I used to be.. dusting off them red attire.. cheap roses.. and wait!!! whats this???? CES 2013, a company announces this n I just go gaga for it!!!
 Love at first click... (forgive me babe) :)
For specs check out this page. cc: Razer Edge Pro
Hot damn!!!
Again this post is pointless. But I have freedom of expression! Pointless expression. I have no right or responsibility to anyone so I can do as I see fit.
I'm not an activist.. Didn't have much to say. Wanted to check how paragraphing works. :P
But I promise, soon this will be the i$ht!!!! Be patient..... laters.

Freaks - Part 1

What every download freak needs...

  1. Freakishly fast Internet.
  2. Adblock.
  3. Google Chrome.
  4. Download Manager.
  5. A torrent client. Preferrably..
    uTorrent-3.3.exe (1.0 MB)
  6. Their Heads...(Investigative and Intuitive).
And that's basically it... This post is not informative, AT ALL! I'm just trying to get my blog training wheels off the ground... :)
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